A while ago I heard about this 30 day picture challenge and thought it looked interesting. I looked it up, thought about the pictures I would use, and then got busy with our move to B'ham, and forgot about it. While I've enjoyed blogging, this summer hasn't been real eventful, so I haven't had much to blog about. So I thought this would be a fun challenge for me to try!
Here's how it works - 30 days of pictures - each day has a specific picture.
Day 1: A picture of me with ten facts
1. I believe in Jesus Christ, and He is my Savior, Lord, and King
2. I've been married to my best friend for just over 3 years now
3. I love reading, working out, running, and cooking/baking
4. I love kids! Always have. Always will. I pray the Lord will bless us with a big family someday!
5. I love traveling. I have been to 11 countries on 3 continents. On my bucket list is to visit 6 out of the 7 continents - I have NO desire to go to Antarctica (I hate cold weather!)
6. I want to compete in an Ironman 70.3 race someday - not a full Ironman, just the half.
7. I grew up watching TGIF, Saved By The Bell, Full House, and other decent, family, kid shows - nothing like the ones on TV today
8. I'm quiet and introverted, but I'm learning how to be more extroverted and out-going (my mom says it can be learned)
9. Hobbies I have tried: piano, cello, horseback riding, volleyball, soccer, sewing, knitting, crafting, theater, baking, reading, photography, and dance.
10. I used to be conversational fluent in Spanish, and I would love to learn it again; I also to learn German (because one side of my family is from Germany) and Hebrew or Greek (because I would love to read the Bible in Hebrew or Greek) in my spare time!
Hopefully I will be able to keep this up every day for the next 30 days.
God Bless!