Monday, August 29, 2011

Meatless Monday!

Not our burgers! Ours were just burgers and avocado - and still fantastic!
Tonight was a true meatless monday - for both me and Paul! We had Mexican Black Bean Spinach Burgers from Fannetastic Food. They were really good! Our dinner included the burgers (minus buns) with avocado on top, roasted sweet potatoes, and sauteed zucchini. All in all, a nutritious and delicious meal. And Paul liked it, which made it even better!

God Bless!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

a MUST read

I just finished reading Redeeming Love, and have decided it's my all time, number one, no doubt about it, favorite book. If you haven't read it, stop what you are doing, go to Borders, and get it! It's an amazing story that every woman, and maybe men, should read. It's loosely based on the story of Hosea and Gomer from the Bible, which can be compared to our own relationships with God. This book had me in tears...all through out it, but especially at the end (which I won't give away).

Go read it!

God Bless

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 14

A picture of something you want to do before you die...

Here are a couple of the extremes on my bucket list...

1. Climb Mount Kilimanjaro - with the elephants waiting for me at the bottom!

2. Skydive! 

3. Get a tattoo of an ichthus on my foot

Happy Friday!

Monday, August 22, 2011

It's a Monday...

The past couple of weeks have been great! Here are some highlights...

1. Two weekends ago, my mom, dad, big sister, and baby nephew came to visit! Henry is now 3 months old, makes eye contact, laughs, talks, and is a pleasure to hold. It was great to have my family here to visit (Hanna, we missed you!), to hang out, to catch up, and to explore B'ham with.

2. Last weekend, Paul's parents came and spent a couple of days with us too! We loved having them here as well - we got to hang out, go up to the Vulcan (a big statue that over looks the city), eat at an amazing Greek restaurant, and also do a lot of catching up!

3. Today, I ran 6 miles for the first time since...oh, maybe the beginning of April. It felt great! I'm going to start running in my Newton shoes soon too. My running shoes are getting a little too worn down, and it's time for a switch.

4. I made scones this weekend that were really good! One set were banana scones (minus the nutella, I don't have any, but we used honey instead to drizzle over top), and then the second batch, I used the same recipe, but omitted bananas, and added cinnamon, nutmeg, and raisins. Paul was a big fan of both! Yah for baking success!

5. Hopefully I will be starting to work at the church child development center next Monday. I finally got all of my paper work in last week, and I have doctor's app't on Thursday for them to tell me I'm healthy.

6. I've been reading a lot! Here are my two latest reads - both of which I would recommend:

This was on my summer reading list!  Long, but good. 

Found this one at the library and picked it up. 
7. Day 13 of the Picture Challenge - I know. I know. I haven't been doing these daily.
A picture of your favorite band. This one is tough for me. I don't really have one.
I would love to see Hillsong United in concert.

But of course - I also had the embarrassing music favorites...oh well!

God Bless

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Today was the first day of school at the school I taught at for the past 3 years. Part of me was sad not to be there. The first day is such a mix of emotions...excited, scared, nervous, stressed. Teaching 4 year olds on the first day is unlike teaching other grades on the first day because this is literally their very first day of school ever! And everything is new and exciting. Last year, one little boy told me (at least 10 times through out the day), "this is the best first day ever!" (even though he had never had one before! - too cute!!) So part of me did miss it. My thoughts and prayers are going out to all the teachers who are starting off this school year! Best of luck to you all.

Day 12 -  a picture of something you love

One thing I love - kids! Always have. Always will. I want a dozen some day!

Another thing I love - as sad as it may be - Jason's Deli salad bar! Being the health nut that I am, a salad bar is like dream dinner for me! So many fresh's amazing. I stay away from the prepared salads, and stick to the fresh veggies, and I'm one happy girl. 

 God Bless. 

Monday, August 15, 2011


A picture of something you hate...
If you really know me well, then you know I HATE spiders! I am dictionary definition of arachnophobic. I don't care if it's big, small, black, blue, biting, non-biting, baby, or grandaddy. If' it's a spider...I DON'T LIKE IT! In my classroom I had "heroes" - the kids who would kill the spiders for me and remove them from my sight.

Here is a picture of a spider and another creepy crawler in my classroom this past spring! The spider has the thing in it's legs!
Heidi was my hero that morning - after I ran into her room almost in tears after seeing this thing, begging for her to come get it.

I can't even put any more pictures up! I tried googling images of spiders but I can't look at them long enough to choose one to upload and display. I just can't. I'll have nightmares. I have had nightmares before! Spiders under the sheets. Spiders on the walls. Spiders dropping from the ceiling. I scream out loud! I run out of the bed! Ask Paul! He can share "funny" stories about my nightmares of having to battle these awful creatures!


God Bless
(but not the spiders)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 10

A picture of someone you can't live without

We started talking at the beginning of the summer in 2004.
We met for the first time on August 4, 2004.
We started dating officially September 26, 2004.
We got engaged May 5, 2007.
We got married June 14, 2008.

We've been together for almost 7 years.

We went through college, master's degree programs, dentistry programs, moving countless times, family ups and downs, friend betrayals, weddings, road trips, over coming personal demons.

He's been my best friend, confidant, supporter, encouragement, shoulder to cry on, hand to hold, security, and future.

He is the love of my life,

Click on the picture to see it bigger - I can't get it any bigger on this page.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 9

A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Again, this isn't just one person. It's going to be a bunch of people, but specifically 2. For the past three years, it's been my BBE family (for security reasons, that's all I'm going to put, but it's the school I taught at for 3 yrs).

Working at BBE had it's joys, but it also had a lot of challenges. My first year teaching there I think I left crying more days than not. I was there to open the building, and stayed late to finish work. I have put blood, sweat, tears, and laughter into the children that I taught there.

It was the women that I worked with that got me through. Especially Heidi and Patricia. And so for the last three years, they have gotten me through the most, and have helped shaped me into the teacher that I am today.

Heidi was there for me from the beginning. Being a veteran teacher, she had more resources, inside knowledge, and wisdom to share than I could have ever imaged and needed. She guided me through my first year, and would stay late with me to help calm me down, destress, and prepare for the next day. We were soundboards for each other and worked well together.

Patricia was my mentor during my preschool teaching days. As I've said before, Furman is a great school, but it did not prepare me for the real world. Patricia was there to help navigate me through "teaching the real world preschool" at BBE. I seriously don't know what I would have done without her knowledge of 4 year olds, parents, discipline, and curriculum.

Heidi is on the left, Patricia is on the right. 

Thank you for helping me through so much ladies! I couldn't have done it without you.

God bless.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 8

A picture that makes you laugh.

I have quite a few funny pictures from my 26 years and all the adventures that I've been on. However, I didn't want to embarrass any of my friends, or family; and a lot of those pictures are actually in albums at my parent's house in my closet for safe keeping (or at least till we have a more permanent residence).

So I did find this one...

This is a picture of the 16 kids I taught my first year of teaching. Why does it make me laugh? Seemingly good looking kids, right? A young, fresh out of school teacher?


This picture makes me laugh because I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing all year long! What first year teacher does?? Furman is a great school, don't get me wrong. But Furman's education program is very idealistic, and in my opinion now, very unrealistic. Reality hit like a ton of bricks the first day. I had 6 Hispanic kids (one who had only been in the country for 3 days and spoke NO English); a textbook ADD/ADHD kid who was not on meds; a young girl who thought and acted like she was 16; and a few serious troublemakers. And on top of it all, I was working on my masters, and planning my wedding.

I laugh at this picture because as my mentor said, "at the end of the day you can either laugh or cry". I did a lot of both - mostly crying then, and more laughing now.

God Bless

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 7

A picture of your most treasured item.

My engagement ring and my wedding ring.

My engagement ring because it has sweet, sentimental value to me and Paul. The diamond belonged to Paul's great-grandmother Reid. She was the first Mrs. George Paul Reid. I am the fourth Mrs. G.P. Reid. And since we have decided not to carry on that name any further, the diamond has belong to the 1st and the last Mrs. George Paul Reid. I almost cried when I heard that. Paul the diamond and had it reset for me. It's perfect. It's simple. It's elegant. It's timeless. It's everything I wanted in my engagement ring. I'm honored and proud to wear it.

My wedding band 11 little diamonds in the band. It's a beautiful addition to the engagement ring. But that's not the reason why I love it (although it does add some sparkle!). It's a symbol of my love and devotion to my husband. God brought us together, and this is my way of letting the world know that I'm taken and spoken for. Marriage, according to the scripture, is something sacred, and not to be taken lightly. The vows we spoke were a covenant to each other and to God.

Forever and ever, amen.

On another note, things are going really well here at home. I have started nannying two days a week, and love it. Today little bit and I went to the library. Oddly enough, we didn't look at one book. We watched some fish in a fish tank, played with some puzzles, and played with some other sensory type tables. Paul is working hard being a dentist. He often has some great stories to share about patients and procedures when he gets home. Working in a hospital setting is quite different than working in a controlled environment like MUSC was.

Today is also my dear friend from BBE and grandfather's and birthday!
Happy Birthday Pop, and Heidi!!

God Bless

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 6

Day 6 - A picture of a person you would like to trade places with for a day

This one was actually hard for me. I honestly don't think I want to trade places with anyone. Everyone has their ups and downs, their problems, their successes. their joys, their pains. God has blessed me with a good life, one that I cannot complain about. I wouldn't really want to be someone famous because I'm not a spotlight girl - I like being behind the scenes, helping, serving, not sticking out.

However, after thinking about it, if I had to trade places with someone for a day, laugh all you want, but I think I would trade places with Scarlett O'Hara. I love the dresses from that ear, the true southern belle women and gentlemen. Minus the whole slavery part of it, I think it would have been great.

If you haven't read the book, while it's a doosey to read, it is an incredible book. The story is fantastic, and Scarlett O'Hara is classic. Plus one of the greatest lines of all times comes from it - "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn". Oh, Rhett!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 5

Day 5 - A picture of your favorite memory

Well that's easy!
June 14th, 2008
Our wedding day!

Our whole wedding weekend was amazing.

Me and my dear friend, Patty, at the Rehearsal Dinner. It was the perfect night before the wedding - we were with our closest friends and family, in a barn, with Sticky Finger's BBQ, and a friend calling line dances!
My side of the wedding party at the Bridesmaid brunch the morning of our wedding.  At this point  I still wasn't that nervous. 
Waiting for the ceremony to start was the hardest part! So what did we do?! We played Go Fish! I think I lost!
Right after we walked down the aisle as man and wife!
I loved this cake! I actually designed it - inside and out. Layers of red velvet, carrot, vanilla, and chocolate! SO GOOD!
Some of Paul's MUSC classmates came to celebrate with us.
And then our honeymoon was amazing - we went to Belize!
We got to go deep sea fishing - This was one of the many big fish we caught.
We also went snorkeling with the sea turtles, sting rays, and baby sharks.
 I loved my wedding. And the best was that I married the man of my dreams. What more could a girl ask for?

God Bless

Day 4

Day 4 - A picture of your night

Typically, our nights consist of dinner, reading/playing on computer/cleaning up, and then a TV show or movie from Netflix. Paul and Vance usually share the big couch, and I lounge on the love seat. I tried taking a picture of Vance and Paul, but every time I started to take it, Vance would jump off the couch and come over to me - so I wasn't able to get one.

Last night we watched "Frozen" - it was about 3 college students who get stuck on a chair lift at night after the ski park closes and how they survive. It's not exactly a pleasant, happy go lucky movie. But it was interesting enough.

Here's a picture of Paul and Vance anyways!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 - a picture of the cast from your favorite TV show.

As mentioned before, I grew watching family oriented, wholesome, moral teaching, genuine TV shows - nothing like the shows that are on today for kids (ie: Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverley Place, Sponge Bob, My babysitter's a Vampire - seriously!?) I enjoy the shows I watch today, but my all time favorite has to be...Saved By The Bell. No show can compare - quality acting, thought provoking episodes, incredible wardrobes, and the best hair styles ever!!
Ok, so maybe not...but it was still a great show. What young girl of the 90's didn't have a crush on Zach Morris or A.C. Slater - or BOTH! Can we say "hunks"?! I've probably seen every episode more than once, and know more SBTB trivia than anyone should admit.
I loved childhood!

But, since the show went off the air in 1993, and I'm now a grown up, some of my other favorite shows include:

Happy Friday!

These boots were made for walking...and I love walking!

We live in an amazing part of Birmingham! Not only is Mountain Brook gorgeous - from the houses, to the villages, to the landscape, to the shopping! - but where we live is right in between three little villages. As of last week, I have successfully walked to all three villages! Each one is within 2 miles, so they are not far away at all - it's just that there isn't a sidewalk right in front of our apartment, so I have to trail trek it along the road, which is kinda busy. But eventually the sidewalks start, and all is good! I can walk to Starbucks, Joe Muggs, shopping, restaurants, grocery store x2, bank, library, post office, ice cream parlor, and park. Its AWESOME! Have I mentioned I love walking!?
So why is walking so awesome? Why would I walk rather than drive?
Thanks for asking!
Let me tell you...

Yes, these boots were made for walking, and that's just what I'm going to do.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 2

Today has been one those dreary days - inside and out. It's been raining all day outside; and inside, I just haven't been able to "feel right" - still kinda drowsy and no energy to do anything. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

This is an easy one. It's not the person, but the persons. I have always been so close to my sisters. Growing up, we were the "Manning girls" - one in the same. When my aunts used to call the house and one of us answered, they would respond with "MeredithWhitneyHanna" all in one name. My older sister, Meredith (the blond) is 23 months older than me; and Hanna (the brunette) is only 18 months younger than me. So not only we were close in age, but we were just close to each other. And now that we're all grown up, we're even closer. Having sisters is like having two unconditional best friends - no matter what, through thick and thin.

Jo states it well in "Little Women": "I could never love anymore than I love my sisters".

God Bless

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The 30 day picture challenge

A while ago I heard about this 30 day picture challenge and thought it looked interesting. I looked it up, thought about the pictures I would use, and then got busy with our move to B'ham, and forgot about it. While I've enjoyed blogging, this summer hasn't been real eventful, so I haven't had much to blog about. So I thought this would be a fun challenge for me to try!
Here's how it works - 30 days of pictures - each day has a specific picture.

Day 1: A picture of me with ten facts

1. I believe in Jesus Christ, and He is my Savior, Lord, and King
2. I've been married to my best friend for just over 3 years now
3. I love reading, working out, running, and cooking/baking
4. I love kids! Always have. Always will. I pray the Lord will bless us with a big family someday!
5. I love traveling. I have been to 11 countries on 3 continents. On my bucket list is to visit 6 out of the 7 continents - I have NO desire to go to Antarctica (I hate cold weather!)
6. I want to compete in an Ironman 70.3 race someday - not a full Ironman, just the half.
7. I grew up watching TGIF, Saved By The Bell, Full House, and other decent, family, kid shows - nothing like the ones on TV today
8. I'm quiet and introverted, but I'm learning how to be more extroverted and out-going (my mom says it can be learned)
9. Hobbies I have tried: piano, cello, horseback riding, volleyball, soccer, sewing, knitting, crafting, theater, baking, reading, photography, and dance.
10. I used to be conversational fluent in Spanish, and I would love to learn it again; I also to learn German (because one side of my family is from Germany) and Hebrew or Greek (because I would love to read the Bible in Hebrew or Greek) in my spare time!

Hopefully I will be able to keep this up every day for the next 30 days.

God Bless!