Monday, September 26, 2011

Fresh yogurt

This morning I was able to enjoy a bowl of fresh, homemade yogurt that I made! 
Honestly, it wasn't as thick and creamy as store bought yogurt, but it was still good! And knowing that it's healthy and nutritious makes it all that more better and yummy. 

Homemade Yogurt
  • 6 cups Organic Vitamin D Whole milk 
  • 3 TBSP organic plain yogurt
Step 1: Turn your crock pot on low to let it heat up
Step 2:  Pour your milk into a saucepan and heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally until it reaches 185 degrees.
Step 3: Once milk reaches 185 degrees remove from burner, cover with a lid, and place the pan in a sink half full of cold water.
Step 4: Let the milk cool down to about 100 degrees, stirring occasionally.
Step 5: Measure yogurt starter into a bowl and pour about a cup of the warm milk over it and stir together. Use 2 Tbsp of yogurt starter per 4 cups of milk.
Step 6: Pour remaining milk into heated crock pot.  Pour milk and yogurt from bowl into the crock pot and stir it all together.
Step 7: Put the lid on, turn off, and unplug the crock pot. Wrap a heavy towel around it. Let sit for about 8 hours.
Step 8: After the yogurt has finished culturing, place the crock in fridge to cool yogurt. 
Step 9: Allow yogurt to cool and set, and then enjoy!
This is my crock pot full of yogurt, sitting wrapped in a towel.

I put the crock pot of yogurt in my fridge last night to set and cool, so this morning I poured it into a big glass bowl to keep for the week, and small bowl for me to enjoy for breakfast. 
 This morning I topped my yogurt with cut up fresh peaches, and a drizzle of honey. 

All in all, not hard to do. A recipe keeper. And a week of enjoyment!

God Bless

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