Sunday, February 13, 2011

Experiencing God

Over the years, I have read numerous Bible Studies, workbooks, and general Christian books. One of my favorite authors is Beth Moore - and she has so many good studies on a variety of topics, many that have truly touched my heart. However, a couple months ago, my parents gave me Henry Blackaby's Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God. It is the best workbook that I have ever read. It has really challenged me to think about my life and how I view it and live it. Am I living in the will of God? Or in the will of Whitney? When I think about my future, am I planning and preparing what I want? Or am I seeking God's plans and His will? I've learned that God wants to be able to work through me - to spread His Kingdom, to share His love, to reveal Himself to the people. But I'm focused on what I want from life and what I want to do, then He can't work through me. It's a very thought provoking and paradigm shifting book. I would highly recommend it.

Here's the thing though - you have to go to Amazon and get the original workbook. There is now a revised edition that doesn't lead you through all the questions that the original did. I'm sure the revised edition is just as good as the older one, but I've heard it's more of a book and not as much of a workbook.
This is the revised edition:
This is the original version that I have LOVED!
Like I said before - there are many AMAZING workbooks and books out there about Christianity and faith and God. This is just one of my favorites that I would recommend if anyone is looking for a Bible Study Workbook.
God Bless!

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