Sunday, December 22, 2013

4 months!

Well I may be a little late, but Hudson was 4 months old on December 9th!
He is getting so big, and growing so much! Sometimes it's hard for me to see and notice since I see him everyday, but then I'll see Paul holding him, or he'll do something, and all of a sudden it's like my baby has grown right in front of me.

  • he weighed 14.4 lbs (25%) and was 25.5 inches (75%), so still long and lean!
  • he's holding his head all the way up while on his tummy
  • he's SO close to rolling over! he likes to roll on his side now, especially when he's in his crib or on the changing table
  • he is talking all the time! even at 6:30 in the morning when mommy and daddy are still waking up!
  • he still loves to sing and to be sung to; right now we sing Jingle Bells, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Santa Claus is coming to Town on a daily basis
  • he's doing really well at "school", and "flirts" with his teachers and laughs with the other kids
  • he still enjoys bath time, and will now "splish-splash" with his legs
  • we're in the process of sleep training, and he's adjusting pretty well; at night we read Goodnight Moon, sing a few songs, then say a prayer, and lay him down drowsy but still awake (that's our routine we're trying to establish), and he can put himself to sleep, and will sleep about 6-7 hours, so usually he's only up once or twice each night
  • he's starting to recognize people, which means he gets excited to see us after being away, but on the flip side, he can also be hesitant when meeting new people
  • he's still very active - kicking and wiggling and moving his arms; I have a feeling that when he becomes mobile, he's going to be moving all the time and all over the place
  • he is a very happy, easy baby, and just the love of our lives!

 Merry Christmas, from Hudson!

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