Having looked at and bought the house in the fall, we didn't really know what to expect for the yard. We knew we had flower beds, but we really didn't know what was in them, or how they would look come spring time.
The grass was in total disarray and mostly weeds. So the first order of business was weed killing, aerating, seeding, and a lot of fertilizing. The yard and grass look 100 times better than before, and Paul has really enjoyed taking good care of it all! He even fixed a leak in the sprinklers! He's a true yard man!! :)
The flowers have turned out to be beautiful, but we've decided to move them around this fall, and decrease the size of some of the beds. It'll be a big project, and will take a couple of years to really get the yard how we would like it, but we're starting now, and will do a little bit at a time.
Here are some flowers we have.
Azaleas lining the drive way
I planted these around the mailbox. The colors chosen purposefully. :)
More azaleas on the back of the house - these are white. And on the left corner, standing by itself, is one of two hydrangea bushes. The flowers are just starting to coming in! I can't wait to have fresh hydrangeas!
Some beautiful irises
And not only do we have fresh, new flowers, we also have new "friends"!
This is a bird's nest in one of the ferns hanging on the front porch! The eggs have since hatched, and we have some really cute baby birds!
We actually watched this nest being built by Mama Robin! It's too high to see if any eggs are in there yet, though.
This is our turkey friend. He has come around twice now! The second Vance might have scared him off, though.
You can barely see this little guy, but it's a guinea pig! Vance was out one day, and focused so intently on something, I had to go look. And here was this little fellow! We don't know where he came from, but he's shown up a couple of times too. Fortunately, he was outside of Vance's range, otherwise he could have been gone!
Other than the pollen, I'm SO glad spring is here!!
God Bless