Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy Fall!

I cannot believe it's already October! These past weeks have flown by way too fast, and now we're into October and fall is in full swing! The leaves are turning colors and falling, the air has a slight crisp and chill to it, and pumpkins are every where! I love this season, not as much as spring, but it's definitely my second favorite.

Hudson continues to grow and change every day. He is more alert when he's awake, and in the past couple of weeks he has really started to focus in on things. My favorite is of course when he focuses and holds eye contact with me! I love seeing his little eyes stare back into mine! He has also started smiling and laughing! Its just a little giggle, but it's so sweet. He is still a very active baby! He is always wiggling and moving. I have a feeling we're going to be chasing after him as soon as he's mobile!

This past weekend we took our first adventure away from home. We went to Charleston to visit and stay with my parents. He did really well all weekend, and had a great time with Gigi and Papa.

Please say a little prayer for me when you can. I go back to work on Thursday, the 3rd, and I'm not really looking forward to it. I have LOVED every minute I've been with this sweet baby boy, and it's going to tear my heart to leave him. He'll be in good hands, but they just won't be mine.

God Bless

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