Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tropical Storm Lee

Well, it wasn't a tornado, or a hurricane, or an earthquake. But it was a REALLY bad storm. What started out as a little rain yesterday morning turned into serious down pouring rain the rest of the day and then into the night. Not to mention the 60 mile per hour winds. No light breeze there. Oh, and then came the power outage at 5:00pm, just as I was starting to get dinner started. Power didn't come on till 12:15 this afternoon.
So what exactly is there to do in a power outage? Not a whole lot. No stove or oven to cook in. No TV. No movies. No internet. No light to read by (did I mention we don't have any candles and only two flashlights?).
So here's what we did.

First, we went to Zoe's for dinner. It's a cute little Greek restaurant not a mile from our place. We had to battle the wind and rain to get there, but it was worth it.

Then, when we got home, we pulled out our rocking chairs, opened the windows, watched the storm, and had spent some quality time together without the interruptions or distractions of TV, movies, internet, or books. It was actually quite nice. :)

This morning, still without power, I was able to sit in my rocking chair in front of the windows again to do my devotion. Our church is studying 1 Timothy, so I read through it chapter 2 again, and then read commentary by Vernon McGee on it.

Sometime around 12:15 the power came back on. Hopefully I won't have to throw out too much of the stuff in the refrigerator - just the dairy and meat products probably. And now I need to make a "power outage supply kit box", which will include, but will not be limited to: flashlights, batteries, candles, matches, snacks, water, a first aid kit, cards, a battery operated radio, and maybe a coloring book and crayons for fun!

This afternoon driving around there was some serious damage done by the storm. GIANT trees were uprooted and blocking roads. Leaves, tree limbs, bushes, and all other forms of debris littered streets, sidewalks, and yards. Fortunately, we did not have any trees fall on our apartment, although a tree did fall on our road and blocked access going towards direction.

If there is something I've learned from living here in Alabama, it's this - Don't mess with the storms!

God Bless

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