Monday, August 15, 2011


A picture of something you hate...
If you really know me well, then you know I HATE spiders! I am dictionary definition of arachnophobic. I don't care if it's big, small, black, blue, biting, non-biting, baby, or grandaddy. If' it's a spider...I DON'T LIKE IT! In my classroom I had "heroes" - the kids who would kill the spiders for me and remove them from my sight.

Here is a picture of a spider and another creepy crawler in my classroom this past spring! The spider has the thing in it's legs!
Heidi was my hero that morning - after I ran into her room almost in tears after seeing this thing, begging for her to come get it.

I can't even put any more pictures up! I tried googling images of spiders but I can't look at them long enough to choose one to upload and display. I just can't. I'll have nightmares. I have had nightmares before! Spiders under the sheets. Spiders on the walls. Spiders dropping from the ceiling. I scream out loud! I run out of the bed! Ask Paul! He can share "funny" stories about my nightmares of having to battle these awful creatures!


God Bless
(but not the spiders)

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