Friday, April 15, 2011

You know you're an early childhood teacher when..

1. the sight of snot trickling down towards the mouth doesn't gross you out anymore
2. due to your immaculate and heightened immune system, you don't get the flu, stomach bug, strep throat, or deep cough even though every one of your students has one of the aforementioned
3. you know how to get paint, glue, ketchup, play dough, milk, juice, clay, and a variety of other substances out of your clothes
4. you keep an extra pair of clothes at school, just in case
5. you find your self resisting to give the "evil teacher eye" to unruly kids out in public
6. even though you're still in your 20's and don't feel old enough, you require your students to call you "ma'am" out of respect and for manners
7. you plan an extra 10 minutes into the schedule before going outside just to make sure all shoes are tied, coats are zipped, and gloves and hats can get on
8. you can sing the ABC song in at least three different versions
9. you have at least one Dr. Jean CD on your computer or IPOD - probably even more than that!
10. you know that asking kids to sit "indian style" is no longer P.C.
11. you know that "criss cross applesauce" has nothing to do with applesauce whatsoever, and what it really means
12. you empty your pockets at the end of the day of not only paper clips and rubber bands, but confiscated toy cars, action figures, mini hairbrushes, and dolls
13. you're a master at taking a song tune (like the ABC song tune) and rewriting its lyrics to fit a skill that matches the theme of the week
14. you know what will make each child happy, cry, throw a fit, want a hug, or run away
15. not to mention what each one will or will not eat for breakfast, lunch and snack

All in all - we are one of a kind with a special gift from the Lord to be able to teach these sweet little beings! :)

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