Sunday, May 11, 2014

9 Months

My sweet baby boy is 9 months old! 3, 6, and 9, always seemed like milestone months to me, so for him to hit that next milestone month is crazy! Where has the time gone? In 3 months, he'll be a year! Oh my!

This has been a fun month! He has a strong personality already and is such a fun baby boy.

-he can go from sitting to crawling to sitting quite proficiently, and will jus randomly stop and start crawling I think just to practice the transition!

-he can balance upright on his knees on his own

-he still pulls up on everything to standing, and has become quite adventurous and will let go with both hands, but doesn't quite have the balance yet to stand independently - but he's trying!
-he loves to stand up in his crib! i'll walk into his room after naps or in the morning, and he'll be standing up and waiting for us!

-he can "walk" with support, and enjoys walking! we'll hold on to his hands and he'll walk across the room, but only with support!

-he LOVES opening drawers, doors, and cabinet doors! we really have to watch him closely - he doesn't understand that he can shut the doors on his fingers. he hasn't tried pulling things out of cabinets, yet, he just likes opening and closing the doors

-he likes crawling with something in his hands - a block, a pen, a toy car, etc. i think he likes the sound it makes on the floor - the louder, the better!

-he will push toys and cars/trucks across the floor with a purpose - it's not just accidently pulling something with him, he knows what he's doing, and likes making the trucks go

-he loves being outside! if he starts getting in the early evening, we'll go sit outside on a blanket in the yard and play, and he's in a better mood instantly. i can't wait to play outside with him all summer!
-he still puts anything in his mouth, and by the grace of God, I've caught him and been able to pull things out! it scares me to think about him swallowing foreign things - flower petals, small pebbles, things on the floor, etc.

-on the other hand, he is eating more and better! i finally introduced wheat and some dairy (butter and greek yogurt) - i was hesitant introducing the allergen foods (wheat, dairy, and eggs) and have yet to give him eggs. i am trying to keep him on "real foods" - no processed foods, and it's going well so far! i'm able to make him oatmeal waffles, fruit muffins, etc, plus lots of fresh fruits and veggies
-a while back, i was able to rearrange his "schedule" so he nurses around 5:30, and then we can eat dinner together as a family around 6:15 or 6:30 (as opposed to him nursing at 6:00 and then going to bed, and us eating after he was asleep). he likes sitting in his high chair and eating with us! plus it's fun for me and Paul and a good time to interact with him.
-he's staying up later now too. he's going to bed around 7:00 or 7:30, and then getting up somewhere between 12:30 and 2:30, some nights, only once, some nights, twice (again at 4:30).
-we've started going out to dinner with him more. he really likes being able to watch other people and see new places. and it's nice being able to go out as a family

-still no teeth
-still no real words (although he talks all the time)
-he has a fun, sweet, happy personality, but can also get mad upset when he's tired or hungry. he's got a strong personality, and can be stubborn at times (got no clue where this came from!) - he knows what he likes and what he doesn't like. and he doesn't like being told "no" (- tough luck, kid, it's going to happen!)

I loved celebrating my first Mother's Day with this sweet little boy. He has brought so much joy and love into my heart. I am blessed to be his mama! 
Lunch at the Drake House - YUM!

Happy 9 Months, sweet boy!

God Bless

Saturday, May 3, 2014

"all boy"

Hudson's is "all boy", even his teacher has told me a few times that he's "all boy"! He's very active, doesn't like to sit still much anymore, loves to play around (even rough house a little!), climbs on or in anything, and has even tried to kiss one of his little girl friends at school! :)

why sit next to it, when you can sit on it?
 personal man-cave
 this gets flipped, pushed, pulled, hit, and played on
rough housing with bunny
 even diaper boxes and genie refills get some play time
 he loves Paul's old tractor
 and...his girlfriend! you're too young son!! 

Despite growing up in a female dominated house hold, I love having a little boy! He has stolen my heart and keeps me on my feet! It's so much fun!

God Bless